This last week has been crazy for me. Two Sundays ago, I put in my resume for an Optometrist Assistant job that my mother-in-law saw in the classifieds. That night I got called back for an interview for monday. So I had my interview and everything was going good. I was actually not scared about the interview. I guess because this was the same position that I held before.
Anyways, getting back to my train of thought. I had my interview on Monday and got called back for a second interview for Thursday to meet with the Optometrist who owns the place. Friday, I got the job and I start Wednesday, April 30th.
It's only a part-time position for right now because I don't want to leave my son for long with a baby sitter. Plus, I'm scared to leave him too. What if he doesn't eat since he's so picky... What if he misses me and I can't be there.... Ahhahhh !!
I feel sorda ready for this becuase it would be great to have adult interaction again. I feel like my vocabulary is reverting back to my son's age and hearing his favorite cartoon songs all day is starting to drive me looney. BUT on the other hand, I'm just gonna miss my little guy while I'm at work. I guess this is what working mothers have to think about. I gonna give it a try and see what happens...
Monday, April 28, 2008
Blogging as a career...
In today's local newspaper (the Virginian Pilot), an article was written about Heather Armstrong whose blog is It says that she's a stay-at-home mom who blogs for a living and writes about her family, dog, and whatever comes to mind. The thing that blew me away was that her blog is ranked No. 59 among the Web's top 100 blogs according to a blog search engine AND that her site is making as much as $40,000 a month. Her husband even quit his job and now does the advertising for her website. *W-O-W* That is amazing! I know a couple of people who do the pay per post and they make around $200 a month, but not $40,000. I never knew that blogging could be a great career (if you know what to do.)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
First Birthday/ Party
My son just celebrated his first birthday. WoW ! I still can't believe that he is already a year old. It went by so fast ! His birthday was on a thursday, so we made a family day. My husband and I took him to church, took our family portraits, brought him to Busch Gardens, and then had a small dinner party for him.
We had so much fun at Busch Gardens. MJ is at this stage where he likes to point at everything. His head kept turning everywhere since there is so much to see. We took MJ to Land of the Dragons and he rode an egg carousel with my hubby and a flying dragon with mommy. My hubby and I have seasons passes so this won't be the last time. There is still so much to show him.
Also, only 3 days separate Mj and his cousin's we decided to make a dual celebration. My brother and I decided to invite everyone to Mount Trashmore Park in Virginia Beach. It has a big playground for little kids and there is so much other things to do like fly kites, ride bikes, fish, skateboard... and so forth.
Plus, renting a shelter is free... so that save us money. Anyways, the whole week I kept praying that the weather would be nice and that no rain. ((All my life, if it is something important to me: It ALWAYS RAINS ! Ring dance, prom, brithdays ))
The whole week leading up to the weekend it was beautiful weather in the 70s. The day of their birthday, the forecast was in the 80s and chances of severe thunderstorms. From the beginning when we tried setting up, the winds were like 40 mph. Everything kept flying away and people were having a hard time eating. Then, in the middle of the party a severe thunderstorm happened so we had to cut the party short. AAAaaRRRggghhhh !!! My dad made a joke that "we prayed that the weather would be nice temperature and that it wouldn't rain, but we forgot to think about wind." It was so crazy... it seemed like a blur to me ! Everyone said that they had a good time while the party happened though and they definitley ate a lot.
**Lessoned learned to me, MJ's parties will be indoors. **
Family Pictures

For some time now, I've wanted to take family pictures. My mom wished that our family took pictures when we were all younger. Now, we're all older and my brother and I have spouses and children. Hmmmm... I need to remember this idea: Mom and Dad will be celebrating their 30th anniversary this year and it would be great idea to set up a family portrait of our growing family.
Anyways, back to my main thought... I wanted to take family pictures while MJ was little and I was still young. We had a matching theme with our clothes. We went to JC Penney Portrait studio and I thought that the pictures turned out really good and the cost wasn't that bad either. Leave a comment and tell me what you think.
*JC Penney sends you copies of your pictures that are allowed to be downloaded and shared if you sign up for their smilesbywire. *
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Funny video
Funny video from Yahoo. All the babies are so cute. I want to see baby MJ's reaction to lemons now.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Ugghh !!!
I applied to seven optometry schools and seven rejected me. My mother-in-law said that she jinxed me because she didn't want us taking baby MJ to a different state since there are no optometry schools here in VA. I feel like I have to put on a brave face for everybody, and everyone keeps telling me that its not the right time and that baby MJ is still too young. Which makes it worse because I feel like its the right time... I'm not getting any younger. Plus, I feel like I want some new adventure in life.
Ever since I was 15 yrs old, optometry school and being an optometrist has always been my goal. I thought that working at an optometrist office would help my chances because optometry school is so competive, but I guess it doesn't matter. I feel like I let myself down. Now, I'm trying to find something else to do....
Ever since I was 15 yrs old, optometry school and being an optometrist has always been my goal. I thought that working at an optometrist office would help my chances because optometry school is so competive, but I guess it doesn't matter. I feel like I let myself down. Now, I'm trying to find something else to do....
tagged by Erika
tagged by Erika
Name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don’t read the questions underneath until you write the names of all the 11 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. No cheating.
1. Mason
2. MJ
3. Tiffany
4. Nick
5. Kyleigh
6. Kasey
7. Erika
8. Nadel
9. Lisa
10. Kim
11. Orli
Now, its time to answer the following questions:
1. How did you meet # 4? school
2. What would you do without #6? i'd do okay...
3. What would you do if #2 and # 6 were going out? I think she's told old for my son.
4. Who’s #10’s best friend? rachelle
5. Have you ever eaten around #1? Always.
6. Do you miss #2? always
7. Who is #11 dating? don't know
8. What do you think of #3? super smart and very productive in life
9. What do you think of #9? nice and sweet
10. Who does #2 like? me!!!
11. Would you marry #8? Yuck.. that's my brother. That's illegal !
12. Ever slept in the same room as any of the numbers? Yes,definitely 1 and 2.
Passing it on to ayette.
Name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don’t read the questions underneath until you write the names of all the 11 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. No cheating.
1. Mason
2. MJ
3. Tiffany
4. Nick
5. Kyleigh
6. Kasey
7. Erika
8. Nadel
9. Lisa
10. Kim
11. Orli
Now, its time to answer the following questions:
1. How did you meet # 4? school
2. What would you do without #6? i'd do okay...
3. What would you do if #2 and # 6 were going out? I think she's told old for my son.
4. Who’s #10’s best friend? rachelle
5. Have you ever eaten around #1? Always.
6. Do you miss #2? always
7. Who is #11 dating? don't know
8. What do you think of #3? super smart and very productive in life
9. What do you think of #9? nice and sweet
10. Who does #2 like? me!!!
11. Would you marry #8? Yuck.. that's my brother. That's illegal !
12. Ever slept in the same room as any of the numbers? Yes,definitely 1 and 2.
Passing it on to ayette.
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