This last week has been crazy for me. Two Sundays ago, I put in my resume for an Optometrist Assistant job that my mother-in-law saw in the classifieds. That night I got called back for an interview for monday. So I had my interview and everything was going good. I was actually not scared about the interview. I guess because this was the same position that I held before.
Anyways, getting back to my train of thought. I had my interview on Monday and got called back for a second interview for Thursday to meet with the Optometrist who owns the place. Friday, I got the job and I start Wednesday, April 30th.
It's only a part-time position for right now because I don't want to leave my son for long with a baby sitter. Plus, I'm scared to leave him too. What if he doesn't eat since he's so picky... What if he misses me and I can't be there.... Ahhahhh !!
I feel sorda ready for this becuase it would be great to have adult interaction again. I feel like my vocabulary is reverting back to my son's age and hearing his favorite cartoon songs all day is starting to drive me looney. BUT on the other hand, I'm just gonna miss my little guy while I'm at work. I guess this is what working mothers have to think about. I gonna give it a try and see what happens...